El Pobre is located on the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge north western side. Parking is at a righthand turn .2 mile from the West Refuge Gate. GPS for parking lot: 18.1196, -65.5563
15 minutes one way
Recommend sneakers or shoes that can get wet
Trail is an easy .2 mile one way walk, ending at the ocean entrance to Los Pobres/Kiani Lagoon. Return along the beach, if you want.
Trail is located on the Vieques Nat'l Wildlife Refuge North Western Tract
Post text, images and map by Greg Guckenburg
Distance Icon made by Pixel perfect from flaticon.com
Hourglass Icon made by Freepik from flaticon.com
Shoe Icon made by photo3idea_studio from flaticon.com
Effort Icon made by geotatah from flaticon.com